
Dr. Antonieto Yumang

Dr. Eric Niles

2521 Walden Ave, Suite 200
Cheektowaga, NY 14225

Medicaid and State Insurance Accepted!

How Smoking Affects Your Teeth

hand holding lit cigarette in front of black background

It’s an established fact that smoking is generally not good for you and can have negative health consequences. Whether you’re a regular smoker or a social smoker, cigarettes also have a huge impact on your oral health and your teeth. According to the CDC, smokers are twice as likely to have three or more dental problems compared to people who have never smoked.

Bad Breath

Cigarettes have a unique smell that lingers, so it stands to reason that they would also cause bad breath. Smokers often notice that people around them stand a little further away or turn their head to avoid their bad breath. Popping a piece of gum into your mouth masks the smell for a while, but if you’re a regular smoker, it’s nearly impossible to get rid of this problem.

Yellow Teeth

The nicotine and tar contained in tobacco stains teeth. In just a very short time, smokers usually notice that their teeth have begun to yellow. Heavy smokers, or people who have smoked for decades, are even known to have teeth that look almost brown because of the stains.

Diminished Taste & Smell

Smoking causes nerve damage over time. Some of this damage causes problems with normal taste and smell. When you smoke, olfactory nerves in the back of the nose and taste receptors on your tongue are damaged. If you’ve noticed that your favorite foods just don’t taste the same or that you don’t get anything from stopping and smelling the roses, this could be the reason.

Gum Disease

Smoking decreases your body’s ability to fight off infection. Tobacco also causes the formation of bacteria which your body can’t fight off as well. In smokers, plaque buildup is a much more serious problem because potential infections can’t be fought off as easily. Nicotine also reduces the amount of oxygen delivered to the soft tissues of the body and constricts blood vessels. This makes it easier to develop gum disease while simultaneously making it more difficult to diagnose it. The longer it takes to diagnose gum disease, the more difficult it is to reverse its effects.

Fear not, though! Speak with one of our friendly team members to discuss ways to quit smoking and treatments to help get your mouth back to full health. The worst thing you can do is avoid the dentist because you’re embarrassed by the state of your teeth. Let our talented and professional team help you get a healthy, beautiful smile!

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