
Dr. Antonieto Yumang

Dr. Eric Niles

2521 Walden Ave, Suite 200
Cheektowaga, NY 14225

Medicaid and State Insurance Accepted!

How Does Your Smile Affect Your Confidence?

multicultural group of young adults smiling with confidence

Your smile is one of the first things that people notice about you when they first meet you. Whether it’s an initial introduction or meeting up with an old friend, you want to make sure that you’re making the best impression possible. If you have a smile that you’re embarrassed of, it can negatively impact your interactions with people. Having a smile you love can boost your confidence in a number of ways.

Improves Interactions

When you have a smile you’re proud of, your interactions with people around you show that. You smile naturally during conversations, laugh and talk with ease, and generally exude more confidence than people who don’t like their smile. Caring for your smile with regular dental checkups and good at-home care can help you improve your interactions, both professionally and personally.

Affects Perceptions

If it looks like you don’t care for your smile – your teeth are crooked, yellow, or chipped – people may make assumptions about your overall health. They may assume that you don’t care much about personal hygiene. Many of us are guilty of making such snap judgments about people, whether it’s warranted or not. Teeth that look well cared for tell people that interact with you that you care about your health and appearance.

The Psychology Behind Smiling

Did you know that a beautiful smile can actually affect you mentally? Knowing that you have a healthy smile and feeling confident in that smile can improve your mood, help you build better relationships with others, make you seem more approachable, and even make people around you feel happier. You’ve heard the term “infectious smile” right? Someone showing off a confident smile can often rub that confidence and happiness off on others.

If you’re not as confident in your smile as you’d like to be, contact Walden Square Dental. We would love to talk with you about your smile goals and how we can help you achieve the smile of your dreams!

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